
Footscray Connectivity Centre opens

March 2022

The Footscray Connectivity Centre, supporting the New Footscray Hospital Build in Victoria, was officially launched in March 2022. Over 70 Guests attended the launch including many individuals and organisations from the community engaged in the initiative.

They were joined on the day by Maribyrnong City Council Mayor, Cr Anthony Tran, Apprenticeships Victoria - DET; Victoria University Polytechnic; the Skills and Job Centre; and representatives from the State, Plenary Health and Multiplex.

Chris Szambelanscyk, Regional Director of Multiplex said “Multiplex are proud to say that this is the 14th Connectivity Centre set up around Australia over the past decade, and it is great to get one up and running in Victoria. We look forward to the great outcomes the Connectivity Centre will create, both for the project and the local community.”

Kelvyn Lavelle, Plenary Health New Footscray Hospital Project Chair, said. “When a government invests $1.5 billion in a project like the New Footscray Hospital, it’s also investing in economic renewal and economic opportunity for local people.

“It was wonderful to attend the launch of the Connectivity Centre that embraces that opportunity and ensures we do our very best to leave behind more than a hospital; that this project also leaves behind skills, expertise and greater job security for local people and local businesses.

“I want to congratulate Multiplex for their commitment to this centre, which connects people and small businesses to the NFH project in a sustainable way.”

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